All new patients please contact one of our client care advocates Ryonen Mandel at extension 104, or Raven McCoy at extension 103, or email us at, or Contact Us Directly
Ryonen Mandel or Raven McCoy can help schedule an appointment, answer additional information about psychotherapy, counseling, or group therapy services, and help you find the right therapist to meet your needs.
If you are experiencing an immediate crisis or need emergency medical or psychiatric care, call 988 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. In San Diego you may also call the emergency access and crisis hotline:
We do our best to return phone calls and e-mails between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday when we are not in session; usually within 24 hours during the weekdays and 48 hours during the weekends.
Please Note:
All written or verbal communication with The Halliday Center For Psychotherapy and Wellness, our staff, or our providers will be treated in a confidential manner, however, if you choose to contact us via email, be aware that email is not considered a secure or confidential means of communicating, so the privacy of communication cannot be guaranteed.
We reserve e-mail for basic questions and scheduling only. In addition, such communication does not and cannot constitute the creation of a doctor/patient relationship.
A doctor/patient relationship is agreed to during a scheduled appointment and upon signing a written agreement. We do not offer advice, therapy, or emergency care via e-mail. Please leave us with a safe and confidential way to return your message. Thank you. We are committed to your privacy. Do not include confidential or private information regarding your health condition in this form or any other form found on this website. This form is for general questions or messages to the practitioner
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